CS 5610

Web Development

Course description

Discusses Web development for sites that are dynamic, data driven, and interactive. Focuses on the software development issues of integrating multiple languages, assorted data technologies, and Web interaction. Considers ASP.NET, C#, HTTP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, RSS/Atom, SQL, and Web services. Each student must deploy individually designed Web experiments that illustrate the Web technologies and at least one major integrative Web site project. Students may work in teams with the permission of the instructor. Each student or team must also create extensive documentation of their goals, plans, design decisions, accomplishments, and user guidelines. All source files must be open and be automatically served by a sources server. (from the academic catalog)

Learning goals

At the end of CS 5610, a student should be familiar with…



There are no formal requirements. The course introduces and uses the core web technologies (including JavaScript) and a variety of tools built with them. Previous familiarity with web technologies will be helpful but is not required. The course involves extensive coding in both Python and JavaScript. Students in the MSCS or MSDS track should be proficient with object-oriented programming in a modern high-level language such as Python so that they can quickly get up to speed with JavaScript. They should also be familiar with SQL.

Development environment

Students are responsible for a standard development environment installed on their computer, including a text editor and the ability to run code and manage a git repo from the command line. The first class reviews recommendations for easy installation of tools used in the course. Students will need a github account linked to their Northeastern email.


Activity Contribution
Homework ~60%
Project ~30%
Class Participation ~10%


Web technologies move so fast that good books on the subject quickly get out of date. Therefore, reading for this course will come mostly from MDN, which is an authoritative developer-driven reference for the web technologies that we’ll use.